Explore your career interests
What is the career interest assessment?
The career interest assessment is an online tool that provides insight into your occupational interests and preferences, helping you to explore potential careers, educational pathways and work environments that could suit you.
The assessment is quick and easy to take on your computer or mobile device. It’s also supported by over 90 years of research and based on one of the world’s most widely respected and frequently used career planning tools – career planning tools – the Strong Interest Inventory.
How does it work?
This assessment tool will ask you to rate how appealing you find a series of work-related scenarios and topics. You’ll then be presented with a profile of your occupational interests, as well as some suggested occupations you can explore. It will take you about 10 minutes to complete.
- Select take career interest assessment.
- Login via the Deakin single sign on.
- You may be asked to add your details including birth date to align with your career interests.
- Select ‘my career interest assessment’.
When you were a kid, you had dreams. Maybe you wanted to be an astronaut, or a lion tamer, or an inventor of something awesome. But as you get older your interests and passions changed, and you discovered other things you like to do, but you have no clue how those interests or passions could actually translate into a real career.
On top of that there's a choir of outside voices that all want to tell you who you are and what you should be. And those voices are hard to ignore. Especially if you really don't know yourself. And the tragic thing is, if you don't know yourself, or what the best career options there are for you, the chances of you ending up here are pretty high.
What if there was a way you could know yourself and discover jobs people like you tend to thrive in? The SuperStrong is here to help.
The SuperStrong is a career assessment engine based on the world's leading career assessment tool the Strong Interest Inventory.
The SuperStrong helps you discover who you are and explore college majors and career paths that are the best fit for you. And this knowledge is powerful, because if you know what you like, and what you are like, and where the people most like you thrive, then you can be free to pick a major and career that you are going to love.
Think about it, you're going to spend hours, and hours, and hours of your life working, so why not enjoy it?
How can the career interest assessment help you?
Knowing what you like doing and how you like doing it can help you to think strategically about the career choices you make. It can also help to identify work that will genuinely interest and motivate you. This tool links your interests to jobs, salaries, skills and the education you’ll need to meet your goals. It’s important to note that it:
- does not measure abilities, values, goals, family concerns and lifestyle needs. In addition to your interests, these factors are also important when making career decisions.
- does not recommend one specific course, major or career that you should follow.
Please note some of the information provided, such as education requirements and salaries, is based on US information, not Australian. For Australian specific information refer to the Seek Career Advice website and Course Seeker website.